Thursday, December 10, 2015


Action Alerts PLUS is one of the TheStreet's premium services and it's a revolutionary system to help average people learn stock trading and make money in the stock market.

Jim Cramer shocked the investing world in March 2005 when he converted his Action Alerts PLUS
portfolio into a charitable trust, with the goal of giving investors an invaluable real-time, real-world education. In one move, he allowed the average investor to see exactly how a Wall Street legend analyzes the market and what moves he makes.

Under Jim's management the Action Alerts PLUS portfolio has grown to several million dollars and the trust has distributed over $2.5 million to well-known charities. Investors of every skill level—from novices to grizzled veterans—will benefit from this inside look at what really matters to professional investors. And you're invited to join this special premium service available exclusively through TheStreet, one of the world's foremost financial information and investing resources.

As Jim Cramer likes to say, "There's always a bull market somewhere." Now you, Jim Cramer, Jack Mohr, and TheStreet Research Team can find it together, and you'll have the ability to invest in each recommendation before they do! You'll see every stock they buy or sell for the portfolio when you accept a FREE, NO OBLIGATION trial.

Start Your 14 Day FREE Trial to Action Alerts PLUS Today & Get Email Alerts For Every Buy Or Sell Cramer Makes, Trade Along with Jim Cramer Now.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Computer and Hacking Forensics - FREE Video Training Course

Learn how to determine potential online criminal activity, legally gather evidence, search and investigate wireless attacks.

Digital crime is more prevalent than ever, and the attacks are getting highly complex. Security software can't pinpoint it—the eyes and expertise of a trained computer forensics professional is necessary. Our Computer and Hacking Forensics training course will teach you how to become that professional.

You'll learn how to; determine potential online criminal activity at its inception, legally gather evidence, search and investigate wireless attacks.

Additional topics include unlocking passwords, the establishment and maintenance of a physical “chain of custody” and recovering lost and deleted data. At the conclusion, you will have been taught the concepts included in the computer forensics industry leading EC-Council CHFI certification exam.

This course runs for 7 hours and 8 minutes.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

The Future of Business: Supply Chains

Learn how companies are using data and analytics to make their supply chains more connected and agile.

As a supply chain manager, you certainly have your hands full these days. You're charged with
finding ways to boost profits and competitive advantage, even while cycle times are shrinking and customers are demanding faster product development and delivery.

To handle it, some of your peers are employing new and better supply chain collaboration tools, including cloud technologies, innovative forecasting tools, comprehensive analytics, “what if” visualization tools, and the inherent intelligence of business networks.

Download this new report from The Economist Intelligence Unit to learn how they're:

  • Forecasting better and meeting global market demands
  • Engaging in collaborative decision-making with trading partners 
  • Increasing supply chain resilience and mitigating risk
  • Accurately anticipating and responding to supply chain issues
  • Finding diverse new sources of supply 
  • Understanding past and current supply chain events more clearly

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Maximizing the Return on Your Talent Investment

Employees are the most important component in the quest to improve your business results.

Employee-related expenses are your company's investment in the workforce, and like any other investment, it should yield a healthy return--or ROEI.

The business environment is changing, and success is increasingly determined by how well firms
manage and utilize data and knowledge rather than equipment or materials.

Learning and skills acquisition will be life-long processes for the new generation of workers, and they'll want to work for companies that help them achieve career objectives.

This white paper examines the value of learning and some of the myths and facts associated with talent development. It also shares some key considerations for developing learning programs and how learning technology can maximize training results and efficiency.

Download here

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Affiliate Holiday Playbook 2015

Is your affiliate marketing strategy ready for peak?

Make this holiday season a success with key affiliate marketing tips for mobile, social and in-store
shopping. Mobile shopping delivers new surprises each holiday season. And the rate of growth is projected to reach an all-time high of 56%.

Preparing your affiliate experience for holiday shopping—across all devices—will be a different task this year.

Download the eBay Enterprise 2015 Affiliate Marketing Holiday Playbook for the latest trends & tips for delivering a successful Peak.

Monday, November 9, 2015

Mastering the A.R.T. of Employee Surveys

Top Three Secrets of Effective Employee Survey Programmes Revealed.

Giving your employees a voice is a necessary step toward retaining and empowering them. However,
several organisations miss the essential components of an employee survey programme. Read this whitepaper to learn how you can build your own successful feedback programme; after all, the voice of your employees is an invaluable tool, so start listening to them before someone else does!

Click Here to Download

Friday, October 30, 2015

4 'Stops' on the Way to Better Segmentation & Targeting

Which is easier: creating a data-savvy-segmentation strategy or navigating a maze?

Well, the first, of course! In this step-by-step workbook, we've mapped a simple route to
segmentation. You can be well on way to a full-blown targeting plan in just four whistle stops:

  • Message Station – Determine your key differentiators
  • Buyersville – Identify who's buying from you
  • Persona City – Understand common challenges, motivators & goals
  • Behavioral Depot – Leverage behavior triggers

Don't let the opportunity to increase sales leads pass you by. The train is leaving the station.

Click here to download

Social Networking with a Purpose

Referral recruiting is based on the principle that high achievers know other high achievers.

When your employees' trusted contacts share your openings with their trusted contacts your
organization's recruiting reach grows exponentially – which means you can wait for the right talent to come to you.

For this to happen, you need to: 

  • Maintain online communication 
  • Motivate participation 
  • Make it easy and rewarding

Friday, October 23, 2015

Holiday Shopping: 2015 Consumer Survey Reveals Expectations

Learn what consumers want from on-line and in-store retailers this holiday season.

eBay Enterprise partnered with the CFI Group, a global leader in providing customer feedback
insights through analytics, to conduct a survey on consumer expectations for online and in-store retail experiences. The study specifically asked consumers to think about the upcoming 2015 Holiday Shopping season when responding. This infographic highlights the findings in the areas of:

  • Shipping 
  • Customer Service 
  • Delivery Options 
Download to learn more!

Saturday, October 17, 2015

4 Reasons To Consider Affiliate Marketing

Many all over the internet are utilizing affiliate marketing to either supplement an existing income or to create an income from home.

Affiliate marketing is when you promote affiliate products and are paid when you make a sale. Here are four reasons that you might want to consider if you haven’t started affiliate marketing already.

1. No start up costs: Affiliate marketing is one of the easiest ways to start earning money on the
internet because it costs you nothing to sign up and participate in various affiliate programs. You don’t have to worry about paying for products on a monthly basis and some affiliate programs don’t have a quota that you must reach to get paid on a monthly basis. There are even some affiliate programs that pay instantly.

2. A wide variety of products: What’s your passion? Is it health, network marketing, food, self improvement or maybe another area? There are so many different types of affiliate products that you can promote that will be in the same niche as what you are already doing. If you have a health and wellness blog, find affiliate programs that are centered around health and wellness products or if you have a website that shares recipes with your readers you can opt to use food and kitchen related affiliate programs. If you are a network or internet marketer you might want to look for products to promote that center around helping other marketers like autoresponders, PLR and information products.

3. You can greatly increase your income: Depending on what you’re promoting, how you promote it and if it meshes well with your niche you try to combine it with, you can create a nice income from home by using affiliate programs. Affiliate programs can be promoted alongside whatever else you are already doing. If you’re blogging already, you can use banner advertising or article marketing to promote products to your readers while still supplying them with quality content. When someone clicks on your link or banner and makes a purchase you earn. The more this happens the more your earnings are increased.

4. Affiliate marketers usually get a large chunk of the profits: It ‘s not uncommon to see affiliate marketing programs offering 30%, 50% or even 75% of their profits to their affiliates. Why in the world would they offer up so much of their profits? The answer is quite simple … traffic. Affiliate marketers can bring in so much more traffic than the owner of the product and program can bring in by them-self .

More people promoting make the amount of traffic and sales so much greater. In exchange, affiliate program owners are happy to pay an amount that is more than fair to ones who are bringing in sales.

By wahmsonline

Blog Monetization

Over the past several years, blogs have risen from an almost unknown “computer geek” secret to the “it” thing on the internet. It seems that almost everyone, from celebrities to your local junior high students has a blog.

While it is very common to find blogs as personal diaries, people that own service based businesses can definitely profit from having a blog.

First and foremost, a business blog helps to build your web presence. In today’s society, having a strong web presence is a key factor in your business success. When a potential client is thinking about hiring you, there is a good chance that they will do a little investigation of you online.

The potential client may go to Google and do a search on your name, just to see what comes up. If they find a lot of links, including blog posts that include helpful information, they will feel more secure in hiring you. Using your blog to showcase your knowledge in your chosen field will help you establish yourself as an expert.

When people see you as an expert, they will automatically think of you when they need your product or service, and they will also refer others to you. You can communicate your knowledge in a variety of different ways. Of course, keeping your blog current and full of information your target market would appreciate is the main goal, but you can find ways to make it fun.

A life coach, for instance could hold a series on reducing stress, and each Monday they could post a relaxation technique. You can also include audio and video messages. This is a growing trend, as more and more people are getting video iPods. In addition to using your blog as a way to build relationships and gain publicity, there are various ways to make money blogging online.

One of the most popular is by displaying contextual ads, such as Google AdSense. When you sign up (at, you will be given a small amount of HTML code to add to your blog; Google will read your blog content and display text ads your reader may find interesting. For example, a blog about golf may display ads for golf clubs.

When one of your readers clicks on these ads, you will be paid a commission. Another option is to join affiliate programs for products and services your target market would enjoy. When you join as an affiliate, you will be given special links that you can use on your blog; when one of your readers clicks on these links and purchases the product or service being advertised, you will earn a commission.

There are also companies that will pay you to write about their products and services. The payment will vary depending on the company and how popular your blog is. There are several websites dedicated to bringing companies willing to pay bloggers to post and bloggers together. A popular choice is

Your business blog can benefit you in many ways. It can help you earn income by raising the public’s awareness of your business and cementing yourself as an expert, and by applying the above suggestions, you can also begin to make money blogging online. This will give you an additional income stream, and more than likely, it will also help you create additional buzz around your business.

By: Angela Wills

7th: A very good resource for monetizing your blog is Affilorama. Learn how to effectively use Affiliates to generate earnings where others have failed.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

7 Trends Impacting How We Use Digital Assets

Today's customers demand engaging visual content whenever they interact with brands—whether these experiences happen through traditional media such as billboards and catalogs or through mobile apps and websites. Without the right assets, delivered in the right ways, companies can't enable the meaningful, personalized customer interactions pivotal to success.

Managing content versions, approvals, and optimizing assets in real time for multi-device viewing are just a few of the hurdles that must be overcome to maximize asset value. Download this new Adobe white paper to discover the seven trends impacting how digital marketers create, manage, deliver, and optimize their digital assets.

Click Here to Download

Thursday, October 8, 2015

7 Myths of Healthcare Cloud Security Debunked

Reveals the truth behind these myths to give you candid insights into the pros and cons of leveraging healthcare cloud technology to its fullest--safely and securely.

Even as cloud computing is increasingly adopted by healthcare organizations to host new workloads and applications, misconceptions still persist about the resilience and assuredness of cloud security. As clinical and business stakeholders consider moving functions to the cloud, they may continue to hear nagging doubts about cloud security and compliance. Most of these concerns are rooted in outdated or incorrect information, fear of change, and common myths. If left unaddressed and unchallenged, these cloud security myths can rob a healthcare organization of a unique opportunity to reduce costs, improve infrastructure agility, increase reliability, and more. In fact, cloud security measures often exceed what healthcare organizations are capable of achieving.

Get it Here!

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Action Alert Plus - Investment

Get the 14 Day Free Trial to Action Alerts PLUS which includes email alerts, weekly market updates, breaking financial and economic news, and instant access to the Action Alerts PLUS Website where you'll find portfolio performance, recommended stocks, and much more.

Action Alerts PLUS: Jim Cramer & Jack Mohr from Katie Miller on Vimeo.

Exclusive Offer - Check out Jim Cramer's multi-million dollar charitable trust portfolio and uncover the stocks he thinks could be HUGE winners. Take a look inside and receive Jim Cramer's newest book "Get Rich Carefully" at

Monday, September 14, 2015

Project Management Social

Project Management Social will help project management practitioners as well as project management companies to understand the value of social media and how to integrate it onto projects.  

You will be able to determine the appropriate tools and technology, overcome challenges you will be faced with and understand how to make social media part of your communication plan. It's full of examples based on research, training about different social media platforms and tools and very practical advice that can be applied immediately to compile your own customised strategy for how to use social media on your projects.

You will receive immediate access to the SlideDoc (32 pages), as well as a Social Media Strategy template (Word-10 pages). It can be implemented in the shortest amount of time, while doing it in a strategic, well-planned way. Gain Access

This is a partial preview provided by 7th House Business Firm. Access the full document at Flevy:

27 Tips for Getting Started in IT

Discover everything you need to get started in technology.

There is a ton of great reasons to want a career in IT. Right now you probably know more than a few people who have done very well for themselves with a job in technology. (How many old friends have you caught up with on Facebook who are making a killing as Network or Security Admins?) Salary, job security, career satisfaction and stability are just a few of the compelling reasons to desire an IT career. But for you the burning question is "how do I get started?" You find yourself saying "I have the drive and the will to work hard and succeed, but I just don't know where to start." The first step is PrepLogic's full-color PDF 27 Tips for Getting Started in IT.

Download this free tips sheet now and get the inside scoop on what you need to land the job you want.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Check out "The Future of Work"

The Future of Work: Attract New Talent, Build Better Leaders, and Create a Competitive Organization The Future of Work: Attract New Talent, Build Better Leaders, and Create a Competitive Organization

The workplace is drastically changing. Managers have more direct reports than before the recession, Millennials will soon out number all other generations at work, businesses have the new technology and tools to boost performance, cut costs, and give employees more freedom over their own projects, and of course, our ability to work from anyplace, at any time. In order for businesses to succeed in this new environment, employees, managers, and organizations as a whole need to redefine what it means to work. The Future of Work explores the new behaviors, new technologies, and the new people entering the workforce, focusing on: How the traditional command and control leadership model is dead Working with and for Millennials, who expect to be doing meaningful work, share their voice, and want rapid feedback How to adapt to the mobile worker How to succeed when the corporate ladder is replaced by employees creating their own way Why the future of work is about sharing information and not hoarding it How new technologies are reshaping the way we communicate by forcing an open environment of collaboration among all levels The Future of Work is about what we can do to reach our bottom line while empowering our employees across the board, creating not only profitable businesses and meaningful work, but an environment to attract and keep the best talent.

Friday, July 10, 2015

Sales and Use Taxes

As business owners, our bottom line is always a top priority. It's a delicate balance to maintain, and we do this by increasing sales or by reducing costs. But one method that is often overlooked is charging and remitting sales tax.

 Every state in the country that has a sales tax also has a use tax on services and goods. Use tax applies to the routine purchase of such items as consumables and office supplies, as well as to the purchase of large fixed assets.

Therefore, there is the potential for the state to assess a hefty fee. Many of our clients knew nothing of this until the auditor took a look and assessed penalties and back taxes. To guard against this, we must effectively ascertain use tax applicability - though this can quite expensive for businesses of all sizes; especially larger ones. The more locations a business has, the more complex use tax becomes. 

It's important to acquire exemption and resale certificates; certificates that enable your customers to purchase items from you tax free. If you can automate the process of enforcing compliance for each tax jurisdiction in which you do business, you will eliminate so many potential headaches in tandem. 

As a business owner, you'll definitely want to make sales tax a priority. Otherwise, noncompliance can and will become an expensive and inconvenient problem down the road. There are 5 important things you'll want to keep in mind:

  • Learn about Remote Seller Nexus
  • Stay aware of what services are taxable in your state
  • Know your product's taxability exposure
  • Keep good records of exempt transactions
  • Have a compliance action plan for the year

For more information, be sure to download the "Sales and Use Tax Compliance for Dummies" eBook for free. It'll serve you well.

 Until next time...

Thursday, July 9, 2015

The Job Seeker Study

It's been a long road to recovery, but the economy is finally bouncing back after the Great Recession. Businesses are growing, companies are hiring and quality talent is in high demand. For the skilled worker, the job market has shifted in their favor, and professionals everywhere are taking advantage. The findings of the fifth annual Job Seeker Nation Study explore the progression of the job market, the modern job seeker's approach to job hunting, and what this means for the workforce in 2015. Click here for more...

Monday, June 22, 2015

The Buyer's Guide to Financial Management Software

To continue applying the necessary financial rigor to support rapid growth, you need the right tools to most efficiently achieve this. Read this white paper to understand the 10 essentials of a complete financial management system and how the right solution can help you keep up with the rapidly changing business world.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Business Case Development Framework

The Business Case is an instrumental tool in both justifying a project (requiring a capital budgeting decision), as well as measuring the project's success. The Business Case model typically takes the form of an Excel spreadsheet and quantifies the financial components of the project, projecting key metrics for making any important business decision: Net Present Value (NPV), Return on Investment (ROI), Payback Period, Cost of Investment.
Check here to acquire this framework